European Union – EU

Fyrarummaren i EU

Intentionen är att inom några år så ska Fyrarummaren finnas etablerad i de flesta länder som tillhör Europeiska gemenskapen.

The Four Rooms of Change in the EU

The intention is that within a few years from now most countries in Europe will have the Four Rooms of Change enterprise established within itself.

Depending on your and your business’ interests and needs you may want to make one or two choices here.

If you reside in a country which flag is not in the row of flags on top of this page please consider the following questions and click on the links that g´feels relevant och interesting enough.

• Would you like to become a ceertified user of the Four Rooms of Change? 

• Are you searching for a certified user – an internal or external consultant? 

• Are you interested in cooperation?

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